Retired Undergraduate Certificate Courses


Certain courses from the Undergraduate Certificate in Global Security have been retired from the University's course catalog and thus the Certificate course list. Any student to previously complete a retired course is still eligible to use it towards the certificate.

Legacy Course List:

CHLH/ENVS/PATH 474: Principles of Epidemiology

CS 460/ECE 419: Security Laboratory

AE/ECE 478: Optical Remote Sensing

CHLH 461/ENVS 431/IB 485: Environmental Toxicology and Health

PLPA 204: Introductory Plant Pathology

AAS/GWS 415: War, Cinema, and Memory

AFRO 378/HIST 389: Race and Revolutions

ESE/GLBL/GEOG 215: Resource Conflicts

GEOG 310: Political Geography

GEOG 410: Geography of Development and Underdevelopment