The Global Impacts of the War in Ukraine: Family and War

Thursday, January 25, 2023 | 12:00 pm CT | 306 Coble Hall and via Zoom

Global impacts of war

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Speaker: Dr. Elena Kopteva, Visiting Research Scientist, Physics, Illinois Scholar at Risk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This talk is part of the Illinois Global Institute Speaker Series "The Global Impacts of the War in Ukraine"

Dr Elena Kopteva was born in Ukraine and spent part of her childhood in Siberia, Russia before returning to study in Ukraine for university. When war broke out, she with her family had to leave Ukraine, going first to Poland and then the Czech Republic before arriving in the United States. Dr. Kopteva will discuss the profound- and in many ways devastating- impact of the war on her family both immediate and extended.


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